Speaker 7: [00:00:00] The Speaker 9: cloud. Thanks, Bob. Speaker 5: And I have a rather cryptic Speaker 9: communication. I don't know if you can see it. Speaker 5: Which is rather political in nature that I won't get Speaker 9: into. [00:00:19] so we're going to Speaker 5: push that to the side. Okay, and you have one other piece of Correspondence that you mentioned Karen anything else Speaker 9: from? No, nothing else. All right, we're Speaker 8: gonna Speaker 9: [00:00:36] try to see if Russ got more quiet try to unmute Russ if you would be so kind Speaker 4: [00:00:57] of meetings. Speaker 6: Too high and your system you can hear his voice Dwayne loud. Yeah it is. All right minute. [00:01:15] We have all had opportunity to Speaker 4: how do I turn my volume down? [00:01:35] I see a jumbo away, but I don't know how to adjust it. [00:02:26] I don't see anything on it that it's just it's just like a table. Did you have something smaller than Brian Speaker 6: usually a top? Speaker 7: [00:02:57] Is it just is it just doesn't Speaker 6: figure adjusting the volume on or your input Speaker 4: volume what I'm doing and adjust your volume. I can hardly hear you Speaker 6: now. Speaker 8: [00:03:28] Okay. Can Speaker 3: you hear us Russ just give a thumbs up. Speaker 9: Alright, Speaker 5: so we've all had opportunity [00:03:43] to review the minutes from August meeting. I see commotion. to approve the minutes Speaker 10: I make the motion. Okay, I need a second. Speaker 5: [00:04:03] Okay, any additions or Speaker 8: Corrections? Speaker 9: All right, then. Mr. Kosinski. What's your Speaker 5: pleasure Speaker 8: [00:04:18] Mike? I Speaker 5: Russ thumbs up thumbs Speaker 8: down Speaker 3: on YouTube because he needs to record this stuff later. Speaker 9: I'm asking [00:04:33] you to unmute. Speaker 6: All right, Speaker 4: I'm on video, but I will sell your picture. So I am Why so you can hear me? I guess take it Speaker 6: right? Yeah, I can hear you now. I mean to vote [00:04:48] hi. Okay, I vote as well that motion carries. Okay, we have I believe all head opportunity to review the vouchers. So I need like of emotion to pay the bills [00:05:03] for the abstract. I'll make a motion to pay the bill for abstract. I all right. We good Speaker 7: any discussion. Speaker 1: [00:05:21] Oh, yeah. There was two other bills that Bob Simon had here. Yeah. He wanted it one is for a one communication systems for Speaker 10: $65. [00:05:36] Yeah, I'll put barbecue explain. Hey Steve. I got these last-minute bills from 812 indication. And also we have the bill for the New York State Association for fire chiefs 433 [00:05:54] fire members. He's all right. I guess he [00:06:10] must be yeah, he actually just to the siren when he came out. So that was $65. Speaker 1: You can probably wait till next Speaker 6: month. All right. Speaker 2: [00:06:26] Yeah Speaker 6: II and discussion. Okay, Russ. What's your pleasure? Hi, Speaker 1: Kevin, Speaker 7: right Bob. Speaker 4: [00:07:02] Second. Speaker 7: All right any discussion [00:07:32] Mr. Pastor Carl, they are independent Speaker 6: audit representation letter Speaker 7: and we got back. [00:07:48] A copy of the Speaker 6: order. I don't know. Speaker 1: What was that Speaker 10: Steve's [00:08:03] it's for matter. Speaker 5: Do we get hard copies of that audit? Let me see. Speaker 3: If you don't have them in the pack of with your mail, you didn't get them. Speaker 5: All right, but you did send a soft copy. Is that correct? Speaker 10: If you [00:08:18] got one you're a senator. Speaker 9: What date did you send that any idea Speaker 3: Jim? The probably would [00:08:33] have been middle to end of last month. Speaker 9: Yeah. Speaker 3: I'll call her tomorrow and find out that she didn't send me a copy of Speaker 9: it Bob. Did we did we see any hard copies any Speaker 8: police? Speaker 9: [00:08:51] Simon Bob Simon, sorry Speaker 10: Yeah, I received the soft copy. We received that on August 20th. We have mercy of any hard copies. However All right. I was going to bring up Speaker 9: the okay Rebecca Reynolds. [00:09:06] Come on. Speaker 10: Yeah, she sent it on on August 20th at a at 1:50 p.m. Speaker 8: God Speaker 9: final report [00:09:22] open Speaker 10: You want me to forward it out? If new new new new while you can do Speaker 5: what we want. We've all had opportunity to look at it. Speaker 1: [00:09:37] Final one. Speaker 6: All right, what do we have here? Speaker 7: What's on your screen? Speaker 4: special directive Speaker 3: [00:09:56] I'm going to go right to Speaker 9: exhibit a letters communicating significant deficiencies compliance finding control differentiate and management Speaker 10: suggestions. [00:10:30] There's also another PDF if that's not the right one, so sorry. Speaker 9: Alright, we consider the following manners to be significant deficiencies. The December 2019 checking account bank reconciliation amount record in [00:10:45] the trial balance were incorrect criteria. The bank reconciliation should accurately reflect the cash balance cause a check that was written in December and cleared the bank in December was dated in January and QuickBooks because it related to a January [00:11:00] expense. The checking account balance on the December 2019. Trial balance was incorrect. RBT recommends a district review Bank reconciliations on a regular basis for accuracy transactions [00:11:15] and QuickBooks should be data correctly in a prepaid should expand should be recorded when necessary so I Speaker 5: think Jim pass co-author objecting to the way that we recorded a prepaid expenses that what I'm Speaker 9: getting. Yes. So how [00:11:30] do we avoid this in the future? Speaker 3: Bob is much more careful when he writes checks. Speaker 9: So there was a check written in December cleared them. Speaker 8: Okay. So what Speaker 3: we he wrote a check in December [00:11:45] dated in January. So did they were the December checks were out of sequential order? Speaker 8: Okay, Speaker 10: so trying to yeah, we're trying to get into grad budget. [00:12:01] No, I was just trying to get all the all the 2019 checks all done and but the vender sent it out real late. So I was trying to push it. I basically [00:12:16] put the check in. T20 when I was really should have been to 19. So Speaker 5: alright and then and then Speaker 9: we recorded it in 2020 and that made the balance incorrect. So the Speaker 10: so the [00:12:31] solution for my perspective will be that I'm going to make sure I'm going to make sure the vendors give us the invoices sooner rather than later in 2020. But if they come in late then I'm not going to I'll just do it did the year before [00:12:46] we didn't get dinged because last Here I didn't do that before I didn't do that. So I'll just I'll be very careful. Speaker 5: So what's the solution though Jim? If we do get a check or a bill for as we head into the end of this year for an expense that we [00:13:01] think should be accounted for in 2020, but we don't get to build till Speaker 9: late and and it doesn't get paid until Speaker 3: 2021. I would hope what will this was a 2020. This was a 20/20 expense. [00:13:16] This wasn't a 19 expense. This was the 20 expense. Okay, so we Speaker 9: should have just waited and written the check. Speaker 3: We could have waited and written the check but we want you know, you wanted to get the bills paid right all I got Speaker 9: it. So we had so we had one such check. Is that the Speaker 3: issue once [00:13:31] one check? Speaker 9: Okay number two fixed assets. The district reported fixed asset values on the annual financial report in QuickBooks and [00:13:46] on the year and reports to the board. All three of these had different values. None of which were Speaker 8: correct Speaker 9: criteria. The district is responsible for maintaining and Reporting accurate fixed asset values. There are errors in the fixed asset schedule. The district has not implemented a process [00:14:01] to review the asset values, excuse me ensure they are reported correctly effect fixed asset amounts reported to the board and Quickbooks on the AOL. Report were incorrect. So what's going on here Jim? What happened here? What happens Speaker 3: here? [00:14:16] Is that the what they're objecting to is that the last year you rid of a vehicle and it was in two pieces on [00:14:31] the fixed asset schedule and I only knew about I only knew about the one piece I didn't I did not know that the other piece was still there. So we had you know, three trucks three SUVs [00:14:46] or pickup trucks rather than to Speaker 5: alright, so we had we Speaker 9: didn't remove we sold a vehicle boy didn't get it off the fixed assets, right? Speaker 3: Um, that's that's basically at the fixed asset schedule is [00:15:01] what's used to do the AUD and then I adjust the financial statement to agree to agree with Speaker 9: that. So we should review as a board the fixed asset schedule. Before you [00:15:16] do the AUD, I would Speaker 3: think right. So what we can do is that will do the fix that set schedule sometime in January. And when you have your February board meeting that will be one of the things that you look at. [00:15:33] As part of the financials in February, you know, February February. Speaker 9: All right. I'm just making a note so we can get that on a calendar and make sure that we any questions from anybody else on the board so far because [00:15:48] feel free to jump in Speaker 3: it one thing to understand about fixed assets. It's really a paper entry more than it is anything else because we don't appreciate assets you buy a fire. [00:16:05] And you pay $200,000 for it and in 1990 and it's still on the books at two hundred two hundred thousand you buy a pickup truck in 2019, [00:16:21] whatever you paid for the truck. That's what goes on the fixed asset schedule it never changes until you until you get rid of it and the key ingredient is have you given that asset? to your insurance company [00:16:37] And then, you know 99.999% of the time it's at the the insurance company has it. So this is a paper entry more than it is anything and you never look at it. It's never looked at until you do the AUD. Speaker 9: [00:16:53] Yeah, fire department. Accounting is a little different it always has amazed me that there's no depreciation of assets. Right and like you said a fire truck that we buy that we bought last year right [00:17:08] for $85,000 ten years from now is still going to show on the books for 85,000. But I think it's still warrants a review by Speaker 3: this is what we have look at it. It's it takes two seconds to look at the list. Speaker 9: Right? So we got the [00:17:23] list was Speaker 2: up Speaker 9: here Where was the list? Audit adjustments with their fixed assets schedule up here. No, Speaker 8: all right. [00:17:38] So Speaker 9: controlled efficiency during the ordinar became noted that the permissive referendum for the new truck was overspent from the reserve fund by $644 to the treasure reimbursing the general fund on a monthly basis for the actual amounts [00:17:53] RBT. Spelling error will dig them on that proposed an audit adjustment to record the amount due to reserve funds. We noted that the district has scheduled to repay this amount in 2020 re RBT recommends monitoring all [00:18:08] transfers on a cumulative basis to ensure that permissive referendums are not overspent Bob. You understand Bob Simon. You understand where we went. Awry here. Speaker 10: Yes, I do. Okay, we had Speaker 9: permission from the [00:18:23] public to spend a set amount and we over. And that so we had to correct that and put that money back into that equipment purchase account and we accomplished that a couple months ago. So that has been corrected. Speaker 10: [00:18:38] Okay, correct. Speaker 9: We consider the following Divya management suggestion annual financial reporting. We know that the district did not properly complete certain sections of the annual financial report. [00:18:54] Including bank reconciliation worksheet reported the book and bank balance is the same amount would know reconciling items. The collateral worksheet was completed using book balance is a set [00:19:09] of bank balance has no units were reported on the energy schedule. The opening fund balance did not agree to the 2018 audited financial statements and the debt interfund transfer and fixed asset amounts were [00:19:24] We recommend the district careful review all Finch all future. Afr's annual financial report. So I assume prior to filing to ensure that the in sections are fully and accurately completed. Now. This AFR is that synonymous with AUD or is that something different? Speaker 3: [00:19:40] It's the AUD. All right, so I still don't know what I still don't know what's wrong with the debt that as far as I can tell the debt agreed with our schedule Speaker 10: the Speaker 3: bank [00:19:55] balances. I've always put the bank balances on. I've never worried about the outs. And then checks it means that and the collateral was fine because most most of the time they will [00:20:10] all of the time the bank usually has a hundred and ten percent of whatever your balances are. So that would that would cover the any outstanding checks. So that that refers [00:20:25] to the Speaker 5: collateralization that we need to the debate needs to Speaker 3: have right? That means that any to secure the Speaker 9: account so to speak right? That means that any Speaker 3: balances we do you have checking accounts and you have savings accounts. [00:20:40] The checking accounts can have up to 250,000 of FDIC insurance and the savings accounts can have 250,000 of FDIC Insurance in our case. It's the it's really Savings accounts [00:20:55] and it's anything be when you add all the savings accounts together. Anything above 250,000 has to be collateralized. Right? Speaker 9: So just for the public Speaker 5: saying we need to have the bank needs to have collateral that Speaker 9: passed the FDIC Insurance amount. [00:21:10] Okay beyond the FDIC Insurance amount right beyond the FDIC Insurance amount. What's this? No reason no units were reported on the energy Speaker 3: schedule. There's an energy schedule in there. How much you paid for diesel fuel. How much you [00:21:25] paid for gasoline. How much is spent for fuel oil? How much is the pen for the one that starts with the p propane and you know an electric so do you [00:21:40] it wasn't readily available? So I sent it in without let Bob send it in without the units on there because I think that they're mean it's ours is so low that it's really Speaker 9: meaningless. Apparently Speaker 3: [00:21:56] they well they are looking for something to report. This is nice for him to report we set it up on a silver platter for them. All right. Speaker 9: Any other questions from any of the other Speaker 8: commissioners? Speaker 3: [00:22:14] Nope. Just trying to follow along Speaker 4: Stakes. All right, I'm a question beat it is the protocol. I mean, I've never seen these orders and stuff. So how serious is what they depict for [00:22:29] lack of a better word. Speaker 6: Well, I mean, there's deficiencies. We had a check that was inappropriately recorded recorded in hand puppet gear understand [00:22:44] what happened? We had I don't I don't think I don't think it's extremely material but it's an issue and we and we need to make sure and we need to make sure that Bob understands root cause so we can avoid [00:22:59] it in the future, right? We need to review as a board the fixed asset schedule. We can avoid that one. Can we can we could do the energy it also be a good practice. If we as a board review the [00:23:14] AUD before of committed I know what anybody thinks to date on that is usually 228, but I know that the Speaker 7: bench Speaker 6: we can we can get it we can Speaker 3: get an extension on the [00:23:29] AUD. You can review it at your March meeting and then send it in right after the March meeting. Speaker 9: Right? And that's what we'll have to do in the future. Anybody Speaker 3: here quick question for Bob Simon. Can we [00:23:44] get those energy audit data set this could just to keep that one Speaker 10: quiet. Yeah like him. Speaker 5: All right, so can you work on that Speaker 10: bum, you know I can do it. I'll work with Jim on it. All right. I had one question. [00:23:59] This is Mike. How come the Auditors don't give this report to us, you know via Zoom or something or you know in person so we can have some questions. Isn't that kind of Speaker 3: standard Jim? I think [00:24:14] that this is an odd year because of covid I don't I don't think they came to the firehouse last year, but they normally come to the firehouse and give the report now this year. They haven't come to anybody. Speaker 10: They've [00:24:29] all they can order that Speaker 3: if you want it was umm, they can I'm sure that they'll be happy to set it up as soon as you do you Speaker 5: want do you want to do that Mike? Speaker 10: I mean, we've already reviewed it. But I mean when we do ones [00:24:44] at the Airdrome, they always join us for it so we can ask questions and I mean I understand this one, but I think in the future if they were here would be better. So, you know, if we did have questions we can ask grade right at that point. Speaker 3: Yeah. Speaker 10: [00:25:08] I just thought it was part of the service. Speaker 5: All right. What do you think? I think Speaker 9: if the pleasure is the bore of the board Speaker 5: is that we do that we can do that for this Speaker 9: year. I think that when we Put this out. Well, we have a couple of your Speaker 5: contract [00:25:23] for them. Is that right? Speaker 3: We have the option Speaker 5: right? We have an option so we don't have to Speaker 3: put it out for business or business this second of five years. Speaker 9: This is second of five years. Speaker 5: [00:25:40] We could certainly write a communication saying that when the audit is Speaker 9: complete we do want representative, too. Come in person to discuss the findings if [00:25:55] that's Speaker 5: something that we think we should do. I'll make a note and we'll make that Speaker 10: happen now. I might Steve I think it's a good idea. Speaker 5: All right, Speaker 4: I would think that [00:26:10] for this one that we've already got it with the uncertainty of the situation. We just accept this for him. Put that down meeting for next year. Speaker 6: Yeah. That's my point. Speaker 4: Okay. Speaker 6: All right, I will. Speaker 9: [00:26:26] Send I guess Rebecca that letter Speaker 3: now we have send it to Jennifer George Rebecca is the manager on the job Jennifer. George is the partner in charge. Speaker 7: Is there any any Speaker 6: funky sellings? I'm Jennifer George [00:26:41] of expelled just like I would think if you Speaker 7: look at Speaker 6: Let me see. I think it's I think it's on here. If you look on page I got [00:26:56] it right here. It is. He's got it Speaker 4: am I still giving you a lot of background Speaker 6: noise? Speaker 4: Why don't you pick me up Speaker 3: again? Yes, please. All right [00:27:11] and Steve, it's hard. It's Jay. George @rb Speaker 5: tcpa. Okay, Speaker 3: it's the same email is Rebecca except that it's Jay George. Okay, we can do Speaker 9: that. [00:27:26] Alright, so we have an obligation to file this with the state control and I believe also get a copy to the town hall. Is that Speaker 3: correct? Yep, and you can send a copy the PDF copy Speaker 9: we can send the Speaker 3: PDF copy. [00:27:41] The state would rather have the PDF copy. Speaker 9: All right, and Speaker 3: I can work with Bob when he comes in next month to send it up. We want to do that or with Speaker 9: Karen. I think Karen you send it out recently and filed it at the Town Hall. Speaker 10: [00:27:56] I believe so. I have to check but I think I Speaker 3: did. Yeah, I think it's Karen if Karen did it she can do the one with the town hall and we have to send the state went in with their software. Speaker 5: [00:28:11] All right, so you're going to make sure you and Bob we're going to make sure that PDF copy gets sent into the State Controllers Office and Karen you're going to make sure that the copy gets filed at the Town Hall. Do we want to Speaker 9: send any kind of response letter or do we just want to let it Speaker 10: go? [00:28:29] Well, if you if you send a response, I don't know if you know this, but if we send a response letter, it looks better if someone reviews it next year that we address those issues and it's all documented. And so I mean if we fixed a bunch of them we ought to send a response letter. [00:28:44] after Speaker 9: all, right, Speaker 10: so You just say you'll be working with will be Speaker 3: more careful with dating checks. Speaker 10: The board will review the fixed asset schedule at it's [00:28:59] February meeting Speaker 9: and we'll review the Speaker 3: AO D at the March meeting at the Speaker 9: March meeting. And and all right. I can I can write that up if people are willing. Speaker 10: Yeah and a couple of the other ones were already fixed, you know, [00:29:14] like the transfer the for the truck and That was already done. So yeah. All right. Speaker 5: So I was fat I will send a response letter and we would conclude that Speaker 9: with the Speaker 5: audit that's [00:29:29] submitted to the state comptroller's office. And also with the one that goes to Speaker 3: the olive all we have to send into the state is the financial statement Speaker 10: audit, you don't have to send the management letter in Speaker 3: all right. So where does the management letter go to the district? Speaker 9: [00:29:56] Communication that we want to address with Speaker 5: mr. Paskoff relative to this audit Speaker 3: Steve. I we had a communication from Wilmington Trust. I talked with Bob and Jim on it and Jim can illuminate [00:30:12] what that's Speaker 8: about. Speaker 3: Okay my salon. Yeah, you're on I just stop screen sharing. Okay, the letters that came today was the collateral statement [00:30:27] from Wilmington Trust Bank of Millbrook has contracted with M&T Bank which and Wilmington Trust. Is there as the trust Department of [00:30:42] M&T Bank is Big investment house. They it seems to me that bank of Millbrook is over collateralized what the bank balances are for [00:30:58] the East Clinton fire district. I think right what was on that schedule and I think you have a copy of it. Steve showed a little over a million dollars for the cash and it was [00:31:13] over a million dollars in right now. At the end of August, we have nine hundred and seventy eight thousand dollars in the bank of Millbrook. That's the total cash and the collateral would be less because of the whatever the checking account [00:31:28] balances are and the 250 for the savings accounts. So we're over collateralized and all it was was a listing of the Securities that the bank of Millbrook has pledged as collateral. [00:31:43] Yeah, well that cost us more money for year because if there are calling it 1 million Speaker 5: 126,000 189 it Speaker 3: doesn't cost us anything. That's the that's just that's just the Speaker 10: [00:31:59] what the Speaker 3: that's a cost to the bank of Millbrook. It doesn't affect us. Okay. There's no fee for there's no fee to us for it. It probably means that the interest rate that they pay us there's a little low. More than what it could have been [00:32:14] but we don't pay it. We don't write a check for it the bank of Millbrook writes a check. And when I first saw that I thought we found a million dollars. Nice try. Speaker 5: Yeah, no no such [00:32:29] luck. But that that balance goes up and down in March when we get the tax check, you know, you got Speaker 9: then a lot of our money in the general fund account Speaker 3: and then they take that they take it then they take it away as that money is spent so no harm. No foul. It's [00:32:44] okay. Speaker 5: Alright, so we're fully collateralized and more. Is that Speaker 3: correct? Correct? It's they they they strive to have a hundred ten percent of what your balance. Speaker 8: it's Speaker 5: all right, so we're good there now [00:32:59] anything else on the Anything else of a financial nature that we want to keep mr. Paskoff and ask him any other questions or can we let Jim dear God you're going to make those changes we talked about Speaker 3: [00:33:14] on the monthly financials for next month, but indicating the positive values. Yes, Speaker 5: there is there is one other thing while we have gem the preliminary Speaker 3: budget. [00:33:29] Yes. Speaker 5: All right. We met a couple nights over the past few weeks and we came up with a good budget. What was the Speaker 9: [00:33:46] what was the full amount to be collected from, Speaker 3: Texas Jim? 539,000 875 Speaker 5: 539 875 from taxes which represents a Speaker 9: decrease [00:34:01] Of almost one-and-a-half Speaker 3: percent decrease of 1.5 1% Speaker 5: 1.5 1% decrease Speaker 3: and it's eight hundred eight thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. Speaker 9: Okay, [00:34:17] so Speaker 5: we need a motion to adopt that preliminary budget and then we have to get that Speaker 9: filed with the town Speaker 5: before the 24th Speaker 9: if I'm not mistaken. Speaker 3: So what I'll do is I'll make the print out and [00:34:32] send the print out to Karen and then she can Speaker 6: deliver the something. Speaker 1: She can probably do it as a Speaker 6: PDF. All right, we need some kind of motion. Speaker 9: [00:35:15] All right. Any second, Speaker 5: I think I have a second on that. I'll second. All right any discussion changes concerns? Speaker 1: Say who made the motion say who made the motion [00:35:30] and who seconded it Speaker 6: made the motion, right? Second is Dave we okay with Rob? Yeah, okay. [00:35:47] All right. Speaker 3: [00:36:17] It of 540,000 025 expenses of which. 539,000 875 will be raised by real estate taxes [00:36:32] and it's a 1.5 1% decrease and the total amount of the decrease of the tax. Levy is 8,000 Speaker 5: 160. The total decrease is 8,000 Speaker 3: 160. [00:36:47] Correct, Karen, [00:37:03] correct Speaker 10: expenses. 539 875 Speaker 3: doesn't know the expenses are the 540. Speaker 10: 5:39 which 539 875 will be raised by real estate taxes, [00:37:18] correct? Okay, got it, Speaker 9: which represents a 1.5 1% Speaker 10: decrease and total amount of decreases 800,000 or 801 Speaker 5: 68,000 160 Speaker 10: thousand [00:37:33] eight hundred Speaker 5: eight thousand 160. Okay. So Bob Bob you're good with that changes to that. Speaker 3: I'm good with that Speaker 9: thing Mike you're good with that. Speaker 3: Yes, that's fine, Kevin. Yes, sir, Speaker 9: Russ. [00:37:48] Okay, and I'm good with that as well. Speaker 5: All right, so that motion carries anything else for mr. Pathak Speaker 8: off. Speaker 3: Alrighty [00:38:03] got my finger poised Jim. Goodnight. Speaker 9: Mr. Estes. Speaker 10: Good evening. Gentlemen, how are you? [00:38:29] Looking for the rod to draw the disclaimer up for us to release the Surplus extrication Speaker 5: equipment and if I may Speaker 9: Tear Speaker 5: [00:38:45] about an in excess of a year ago. We Speaker 9: declared the very first Speaker 5: set of Jaws from 19. Probably Speaker 9: 80 something to be Surplus Speaker 5: and we've been looking for a buyer. Speaker 9: [00:39:02] There's really no interest out there in Jaws that are 30 some Speaker 5: years old. We found a department. Speaker 9: Where is it located up Speaker 10: door Collins. It's south of Buffalo by about 50 miles 30 Speaker 5: miles. Okay, [00:39:17] and they will they would very much like the old set of Jaws because they don't have any I've asked Rod to draw up some kind of letter that [00:39:32] would basically take any liability away from us and ask them to acknowledge it they're accepting all liability for maintenance whatever whatever rod thinks is sufficient. So I just wanted to clarify and get more information there. Go ahead down. Sorry. Speaker 10: [00:39:47] Thank you. No, no, very good Steve. We had the workplace violence Steve set that up and sexual harassment classes mandated an OSHA training last night and very well attended by the membership. [00:40:04] So that that has been taken care of on the same side note our drills OSHA and mandatory training is is completed by the vast majority of members already for the year. There's [00:40:19] still going to be a series of drills which will include the OSHA training. But at this point I looked at it and we're about 80 to 85 percent of members have met their required [00:40:34] ocean drills and other module training for the year at this point. Now you go we're Speaker 5: going to have make up for some of the some of us who Speaker 10: Couldn't make well it shouldn't need to be because we will still have October [00:40:49] two drills November to drills in December two drills as far as missing modules such as Hazmat. We will offer a one-time makeup class that it still encompasses everything else that [00:41:04] would need to yes. We do offer that once, you know would say and additionally if somebody has A what-do-you-call-it word a job that and they get it at their place of employment [00:41:19] if they produce a certificate for me. I Market that they received the training they do not get any low-fat points for departmental training. They do get checked off [00:41:34] for having completed that training. So they also have that option and sell several members do do that. So That that's totally viable. We're right on board with that and thank you Steve for setting it up last night and [00:41:49] it was very well attended to Steve will say it was Steve. We want to talk something about the Surplus equipment. Is this a time or Speaker 5: not? Yeah, go ahead and tell them what you're thinking [00:42:04] what are and you've discussed the chief staff. So this is not just on thinking this is the chief Speaker 10: staff. Oh, no, this is just not Don doesn't do any thinking on his own he can oh and don't say anything for sure. But thank you and I [00:42:21] we have the water rescue boat and we've had that for I don't know Steve 10 years. That's a [00:42:37] We've never used it in a emergency situation. Not once it it just taking up very valuable needed space the other thing that we've cleaned out. Kevin will talk a little bit more [00:42:52] about that is we have the way old original trailer. That was the original fire prevention trailer that is empty and sitting in the parking lot. Finally, [00:43:07] we have the air chisel air hammer tool that we had to take off the raid because it was jamming in the doors that we have never used on an extrication and talking to other companies. They [00:43:22] say yeah, we had one once and we never used either. So those three items or something that we could theoretically remove from premise to put up for a bid call. The Surplus [00:43:37] and then it would be a bitted item with money's going back into the District offers at the top of my head Kevin. Can you think of something else that we were talking about, sir plussing? I guess that's it. Those three items again [00:43:52] the pack Hammer air hammer, whichever air chisel what you want to call. It does not have any interested buyers know about talk about that that's already been Surplus any interested buyers. [00:44:08] It's like the old extrication tools. So if it was it would be a sealed bid offering and maybe a body shop or whatever. So those The three items anyway that we would be talking about putting up a posting [00:44:23] and ceiling bids and removing it from inventory in that manner. All right, writing some more Speaker 5: light up for discussion after reports are done. What's up next? Speaker 10: Okay, so that's that that's that [00:44:38] our physical Steve. We are pretty much caught up on the members. I did all my paperwork again last night and I would say the vast majority members have signed up those that have not signed up will be informed that they have to [00:44:53] go to Tek themselves as the mandated physical requirement. Speaker 5: Yeah. So we the physicals are October 6th and 22nd. There's a list posted with those to sign up sheets [00:45:08] that specifies who is on the active member roster and therefore eligible. For a physical I have one phone call to Speaker 9: make to get somebody to remove his name from the list. Speaker 5: But like you said we're getting good participation [00:45:23] there and we need Speaker 8: to Speaker 10: yeah, I mean, we are meeting our standards very very well very pleased with the OSHA training and the fact that we are where we really need to be on that and if [00:45:38] somebody doesn't make them the OSHA training we again very wisely had to two months. Him that they could provide it in the early part of the following year, but we are we're doing we're shining on that absolutely shining a lot of other departments [00:45:53] are taking up the same idea that we do hear of saying the OSHA training is part of your drills and validating that measure and it it's just smart way to do business. That's all I got. Speaker 5: All right, mr. Bass present. Speaker 10: [00:46:09] No. All right, mr. Russell. All right driver training research is almost done. I got two people left to finish up ABS late is on 38. I'm just going to let that rifle little bit because [00:46:24] sometimes if a wheel gets spun, it'll kick it on and takes a little bit to get off. There's a gate valve on 38 Premier knows about it. They're getting a We add the dumpster here. We [00:46:39] cleaned out anything that we could find that was junk and put in a dumpster in a dumpster is gone. You'll get a Speaker 5: refill the right to the Speaker 10: gills. Well beyond that. So if we have anything left [00:46:54] a little bit left we can put in a regular dumpster and that is all I have. Speaker 5: All right. Thank you gone for Kevin. Speaker 3: Yeah, Steve. I got three on the rehab unit. How [00:47:09] does the new certifications going per the new Speaker 8: policy? five Speaker 5: so there are occurring right? We did we did pass that policy that [00:47:25] by the end of the year support members have to be Certified on the operations of the vehicle and by the end of I by sometime next year they have to have evoc and be certified on driving. [00:47:41] We do have to keep that in mind. Speaker 3: Okay on the sexual harassment and workplace violence good attendance Steve and on does the district require a hundred [00:47:56] percent attendance of all the members for sexual harassment and workplace Speaker 5: violence. At this point it's only an active member Speaker 3: requirement. But are you suggesting that Speaker 5: we should probably extend that to people who want to participate? Speaker 3: [00:48:12] As an authority Rod already addressed that okay. It was it wasn't like to it was if you were around on a regular basis or a member of the company [00:48:27] not necessarily active in the district. The district has interest and responsibility for a hundred percent attendance on those. Speaker 5: All right. I'm on Final. I'll bring that up with Ed and see if he can capture [00:48:42] that and see if there's a way that we can address that because there were other some other people that missed it last night. And before we do that Speaker 3: we can certainly ask Rod once again on what's the district's responsibility. Well, [00:48:57] I think it's a good idea because Speaker 5: I don't think okay. We have to go that route. I think. Okay. I'll just have to make sure that edge keeping track. That okay. And the last thing is on the physicals all the active members are going [00:49:12] to have a physical in October. That is correct. Speaker 3: Okay. Speaker 5: Absolutely. We because because what we what we want to do there were there were too many people getting into many times throughout the year. Speaker 3: I think two years ago. We Speaker 5: [00:49:27] standardize down October people had taken it in large. We required them to take it again in October. So at this point everybody should be on that. On that schedule people Speaker 3: that got Speaker 5: [00:49:42] people that got their initial physical couple three months ago will take it again in October and we had somebody who had an issue with his physical last year that says he's got that issue corrected who wanted to take it in September [00:49:57] and we advised him that Speaker 9: he waited a month. It would save us some money. So we're trying very hard to keep everybody on that October Speaker 8: schedule. Speaker 5: All right is Susan there? Speaker 8: Is Bob there? Speaker 10: [00:50:14] Nope? A rescue, we had 16 calls in August that brings our total up to 79 for the year believe we [00:50:29] are giving a CPR class. We're starting up the actual BLS CPR classes. Again. We have one tomorrow night for I think it's five people five. And so we're starting that back up again. [00:50:44] We are gone we're switching from Tabor to be less but difference between the two is that they'll be using the opposition will have knowledge about the BBM mask. That's pretty much the difference. [00:50:59] And also I think it's on your agenda the ambulance the computer in the back of the bus is not working correctly that the that's the control mechanism for the lights [00:51:15] for the AC and also so for the suction device Susan and I and Don already verified that we can control both the lights and the AC from the front computer and [00:51:30] we'll just be using the the portable suction device in back of the animals that we needed. So it was sent to for repairs. Hopefully it can be repaired. If it can't be repaired then we'll have to look at [00:51:45] spending. You money to get a replacement the estimated cost for that is between two and five thousand four new the cost to repair that says it's between three and [00:52:00] six. Speaker 5: All right, please please do recall that last month. We did read we did pass an addendum to the procurement policy specific to repairs on vehicles and this would be this would apply [00:52:15] so Please use those dollar limits that we set last month to determine what kind of approval is required to depending on what kind of repair price you get. Speaker 10: Okay, the only ditch this [00:52:30] this the symptoms actually seems very similar to the problem we had with the you know, there's actually a control control computer in the front of the elements in the back the symptoms seem similar to what we had with the front and that [00:52:45] was repairable. The big difference of course is that they have the front computers to give us loners. They no longer make the one in the rear so that may be a disadvantage to us, but we're sending it in [00:53:00] and we'll see what happens. Speaker 5: Okay, very good anything Speaker 10: else? No, I think I think that's good for us. Speaker 5: All right safety. We did have a brief safety meeting. We got some of the Zone [00:53:15] inspection reports. I am owed to more Zone inspection reports. I will keep after them. We had in through the first eight months of the new year. No recordable injuries. [00:53:32] I take that back. We had one recordable injury. We had none in the last quarter and no close calls of which I am aware. So. [00:53:47] We did not have much to review. Okay now Don board up the Request to Surplus Speaker 8: trailer Speaker 9: the boat and trailer [00:54:03] and the air chisel. I requested a Speaker 8: viraj whoops. Speaker 9: I requested of Speaker 8: Rod. Speaker 9: Hope you got back to me with a waiver. [00:54:18] Okay. Speaker 4: I just have a question when you got a minute. No, I heard him say that they never use the boat for a water rescue. [00:54:33] But my question is what do you have warning? You don't have to vote where you have a necessity for and I just wonder about the advisability of surplus and I assume it's a rowboat and I'm [00:54:48] wondering about I mean if you got I'll Slaughter somebody dumped in Lake or something. It seems like it's almost like an insurance you may never use it, but you always have insurance on your house just in case you need it and I wonder about [00:55:04] being benefited keeping the Speaker 7: boat. Speaker 4: [00:55:23] He may have Speaker 7: left. Speaker 10: [00:55:50] Is the rescue rope and everything that we would need for a potential water rescue. We're not just throwing the out of the element that we would never have a water rescue. We still drill on ice and cold [00:56:05] water rescues. We still have the immersion suits and all the equipment that is utilized for it. So if we did have a we don't have any large bodies of water per se so what [00:56:20] we would still maintain would be sufficient to provide adequate safety for our members and recovery of the said victims without the boat. Speaker 5: Yeah, I mean, I think it's important to note that we don't we don't have [00:56:35] any large lakes. We don't have an optimal a course or a Long Pond or a silver lake or anything like that. We got a bunch of small ponds. I can Speaker 8: remember. Speaker 5: [00:56:50] Three water incidents in my 30 years. I don't know if there were many more Kevin or Don none of them were bolt worthy for sure. Speaker 10: No, I've got one the Fatal in the pond [00:57:06] the the group home individual in the pond on what was that nine Partners? Yeah that makes okay the one ice rescue intoxicated pillow. Yeah for [00:57:21] but none of them needed the Speaker 5: boat. Right? Right. I can remember for 30 years the failed in the pond the Fatal in the creek nine Partners incident and Speaker 10: yeah, [00:57:36] the guy was on the Shelf Still Road. Yeah, yep. So Speaker 5: those are the four I remember not at none of them. None of them required a boat and we don't have the body of water the silver Pond or Silver Lake Long [00:57:51] Pond. Like I said up too late kind of thing any other questions on the trailer. the boat or the air chisel Speaker 9: All right, so [00:58:06] share screen has provided. A guideline as to what the [00:58:21] requirements are if we do vote to Surplus the equipment so we can do so if the equipment is worth less than towns $10,000 by via a board resolution only. I think [00:58:36] everybody can see my Screen no referendum need if it's a trade in which is not where we going. If it's not a trade in notice too bitter should be published. It does not [00:58:51] necessarily mean published in the newspaper published noticed a bitters could be a notice posted in the firehouse the store on the corner Stewartstown Town Hall etcetera. Five days for to open [00:59:06] bids bids are open publicly and reviewed by the board and either accepted or rejected. So that is the procedure. Don is any of this equipment worth more than 10,000 dollars. [00:59:23] I don't think it's anywhere close. Don can anybody else hear me? Speaker 5: I can you're good. Speaker 3: Yeah. All right, Speaker 5: so why wouldn't I would move that [00:59:39] we Surplus the boat and trailer the utility trailer and the are children for the purpose of selling them as unused equipment and I seek a second for discussion Speaker 10: [00:59:55] back in okay any discussion Don did say he was muted. He said that none of those items are worth more than 10,000 said he even combined. They're not worth 10,000. Yeah. Speaker 3: [01:00:10] We're going to get a hold harmless document from Rod for the boat and Speaker 9: chisel. Well, we have a hold harmless document for the Jaws that were donating if we're selling it we could repurpose that same document. Speaker 3: [01:00:25] Okay? Speaker 8: Kevin any questions Speaker 9: no Ross anymore concerns. Speaker 4: No, I'll go with their decision. I just [01:00:40] like I said, yeah, I just like it put it down. We don't build her up too late. That's not in our area. Okay, I wasn't aware of that. Speaker 8: [01:01:01] I have any Speaker 9: questions or concerns tracewski. Speaker 3: Oh, no, I'm good. Speaker 9: All right. I made it rusts again and Mike any questions. Speaker 10: No, I'm all set ready to go. Speaker 5: All right, Mike. What's your pleasure? Speaker 1: All right, Speaker 6: Russ. [01:01:16] Hi, Speaker 9: Bob. Hi. Speaker 5: To get that stuff posted. [01:01:31] I mean certainly stuff like Craigslist and so on are good. been used to sell this and we can set the [01:01:46] bid due dates by the next meeting so they can be open public at the next meeting if unless anybody has an objection to Speaker 8: that. Speaker 5: And does anybody have any questions on donating the doors? Like I said Rod did [01:02:01] send me a hold harmless document that Speaker 9: will require the receiving document other receiving department to Speaker 8: sign. All right, Speaker 5: Donald we had Couple of [01:02:16] well, a homeschool place that was requesting some fire prevention demonstrations fire prevention week is the week of October Speaker 9: 4th. I'm seeking [01:02:31] the opinion of Speaker 5: the other Commissioners. Do we need to Speaker 9: Grant permission if Speaker 3: they if the Speaker 9: demonstrations are within the district or what's your pleasure? Speaker 10: [01:02:46] What I'm doing because I was contacted about this and it's I think we're a lot smarter and lot better off. If we have any fire prevention displays that it's [01:03:01] done on the premise rather than thinking about going out and don't even bother with it. So when I was contacted that homeschool which these pods are popping up all over the place was in our Protection District, [01:03:16] which we lost but the so I said no it's not my district anymore. However, more than happy to do a fire prevention with people around during the day demonstration right here [01:03:31] at the station. All right, so Speaker 5: we'll just we'll just note that some of those demonstrations will or may take place fire prevention week. Yes. Speaker 3: All right, Steve see when we just give an approval in a resolution just to make sure. Sure that [01:03:46] covered for the folks that do that on our side for dfdl to make the motion Bob. Speaker 8: Oh, Speaker 3: yeah, you're going to make me Speaker 5: think here. I'll think I move that we authorize I move that we authorize. [01:04:03] The department to supply fire prevention demonstrations and activities in accordance with fire prevention week on Speaker 9: October 4th. Speaker 5: I seek a second Speaker 3: second for discussion. Speaker 5: Okay [01:04:18] any Speaker 3: discussion, I wouldn't limit it just to the fourth give the chief a little bit more leeway for timing and Speaker 8: dates. Speaker 9: the month of October Speaker 10: Yeah, I'm good with that be right. I [01:04:33] totally agree and Mark this down care and I once again agree with Bob. Speaker 5: All right. So we got a for the month of October. I am an agreement with that change to the motion. The second door is in agreement [01:04:48] with change to the motion any other discussion? Mike what's your pleasure Speaker 1: Kevin? Speaker 3: [01:05:21] Well, I have not had the opportunity. I do have it. Okay, Speaker 5: if I could be so bold, if you would attempt to make contact with those individuals and maybe try to ascertain from them [01:05:36] how they would approach it what the what the procedure would be. You know, we're looking for an evaluation of our facility and we're looking to somebody I think to kind of hold our hands as we as we move forward, you [01:05:51] know, I'd be curious. curious, what would either these individuals would say and well understanding they have a I don't want to say conflict of interest, but certainly they're motivated by the idea of getting to design a facility. [01:06:08] That's not necessarily where we're starting. Right? We want an evaluation of what the deficiencies are of the current facility and we want to know what kind of services they provide as we move forward. Anybody want to add to that. Speaker 3: Yeah. [01:06:23] We need to on the early discussions with them our expectation is They know all of the past OSHA NFPA rules for a firehouse. So we don't miss [01:06:39] an item. That's going to bite bite us later. Speaker 5: Yeah, and I think I don I'm assuming that you and Kevin would work with Kevin Speaker 9: you and Kevin Russell was working Timothy arrow on Speaker 8: this. Speaker 9: [01:07:02] You and Kevin Russell would be available to Speaker 5: work with Kevin discuss this with the Speaker 10: architect. Yeah. Speaker 5: Okay, so you can even use them as resources. Speaker 3: Okay, Steve. So I'll get a hold of [01:07:17] The Architects and see when they're if they're available to come out. Speaker 5: Correct? Yeah you I mean you can you can Speaker 8: You Speaker 5: know do the preliminary discussions Speaker 9: yourself or with [01:07:32] yourself and on or however you want to approach it. I don't think I Speaker 5: don't think we're at a board level. I'd like to keep it at a facilities committee. Level Speaker 3: Russ is still involved with that with that. Isn't he right losses there? Yeah. Yeah, Speaker 9: so Ross Kevin [01:07:47] and the rest of the Speaker 5: people in The Elliots listening the rest of the people on the facilities committee. You know involved them, please. Speaker 8: Okay Speaker 4: kisses an [01:08:02] offshore here. I think that obviously we're not going to have anybody to committee talk to these Architects or Engineers whatever they are. I would think that you know what I've done and [01:08:17] into carriages myself would be more than enough to just reach out to him and ask him about coming and giving us some input and Speaker 6: ideas. Speaker 4: [01:08:46] Bob gave him one last night and hopefully Speaker 5: [01:09:08] so we did here. The West Clinton agreement. I've looking through the August minutes, and I thought we [01:09:23] discussed that. I don't know. I got a little muddled in my mind. Maybe we just discussed it at a quickly at a budget meeting West Clinton Speaker 9: declined. Speaker 5: And he kind of idea [01:09:38] of a Speaker 8: contract. Speaker 5: So I'm not sure how we want to proceed with this we had met with met Bob porzinski myself. I thought it was I [01:09:54] thought it was a very open and Speaker 8: you know Speaker 5: congenial meeting but but they declined the idea of having. Speaker 9: Contract in place Speaker 5: [01:10:09] basically to provide the services that they provide under mutual Aid and Speaker 9: I my Speaker 5: read Bob Jasinski and maybe you can comment after I'm done is that they were afraid of a contractual obligation [01:10:24] right Speaker 9: to provide those Services. Speaker 10: Excuse me. One second. I just got to know from raw. He's waiting for the meeting host to let him in. Speaker 5: In that would be me. [01:10:46] There is sorry Rod how long you been waiting Speaker 8: there? Speaker 5: He's connecting rod you there now? Speaker 9: I'm here now. Thank you. How long you wait in there about 15 [01:11:01] minutes. I emailed you I emailed Bob. Guys, that's all right. I thought maybe you were an executive session. No, Speaker 5: we weren't executive session. I was concentrating. Speaker 3: [01:11:16] Karen was paying attention though. Speaker 5: Yeah, good thing parent Karen pays attention. She saves us Speaker 8: again. Speaker 5: We were discussing currently the fact that West Clinton declined [01:11:31] to Speaker 9: engage in any kind of Speaker 5: contract relative to coverage at the Northern end of the district and I had expressed that I thought they were Speaker 9: hesitant because they did [01:11:46] not want a contractual obligation Speaker 5: to respond. I did forward to Speaker 9: them the sample language Speaker 5: that we used Speaker 9: for the town of Washington contract that was in place. [01:12:01] which basically stated Speaker 5: that the contract was for us to Speaker 9: respond to the best of our Speaker 5: abilities, but they still Decline and I was seeking Speaker 8: [01:12:16] it's Speaker 5: advice as to how we should continue to pursue this because Bob will tell you that people's ISO ratings are headed in the wrong Speaker 9: direction. Speaker 5: And we want to do what we can [01:12:32] yes to keep their ISO ratings down at a reasonable level, but also do what we can as a district I think to make sure that we're providing. Given the circumstances the most optimal fire protection [01:12:47] coverage possible. So anybody want to Speaker 8: say something here? Speaker 3: The at this point because it would be [01:13:02] negotiations and could get sensitive. If not for tonight. Then maybe the next meeting we go into executive session and discuss it. You have some of my Concepts. Yeah. Speaker 5: [01:13:24] I could try a breakout Speaker 9: room. And try to isolate people into that breakout room, but it would be only the second time that I've done. So yeah, I Speaker 6: advised there's and let's be the best [01:13:39] that I Speaker 5: could I could I Speaker 9: could send the whole meeting down the tubes. So or we could we can Speaker 5: schedule a special Speaker 9: executive session only meeting at some [01:13:54] point in the future if you so choose Speaker 3: I'd recommend that. All right, you haven't tested that executive session environment. Speaker 9: Next week is no good that I can tell you Speaker 5: looking for the Speaker 8: calendar. Speaker 9: [01:14:09] I'm sure my wife hides it. Speaker 5: So we're looking into like either 28th 29th 30th. First [01:14:24] or second if we're going into the next week just Wednesdays are bad for you, right Speaker 10: Mike. Yeah, Wednesday's about all Speaker 5: right. What is [01:14:40] October 1st look like for people with I think is a Thursday. Speaker 8: I'm good. That's fine. Speaker 4: Far as I know it's all right. I have to go into different rooms in the computer [01:14:55] and counters on the Speaker 6: wall. Speaker 9: [01:15:36] Sharon's Speaker 5: all right. Now we don't know exactly how you would join the meeting and return. All Speaker 9: right. So Kevin you are Karen you can post that. Speaker 10: So what always schedule that as a workshop Speaker 5: not a special [01:15:51] meeting a special Speaker 10: meeting. Okay, Speaker 5: it's can she say that? It's for contractual negotiations and wood. Yes it you [01:16:06] could say that. It is anticipated. The Speaker 9: board will immediately go into executive session to Speaker 5: discuss contractual negotiations. And that will be the only item on the agenda. Speaker 3: If that's the case [01:16:21] at its October 1st. Yeah, we may have some mention of personnel issues. So just add it. Speaker 5: Okay, that's a request. It's not a demand now. That's why it's up to you. We can handle those and Active session as well. [01:16:38] But it's good to have that on the agenda. Speaker 10: So you want me to put that in the notice as well or just keep it a contractual Speaker 5: negotiations and and and confidential Personnel issues is or [01:16:56] all right, so that finishes that let me make a Speaker 10: note that that seven o'clock. Yes Speaker 5: and Bob Simon. Can you schedule that meeting as a zoom Speaker 10: meeting? [01:17:12] please Speaker 5: I know it's here Speaker 8: somewhere. Speaker 9: [01:17:44] Yeah, the substance of the contract was the same was just a dollar amounts for the different Services. Alright, Speaker 5: so we had we had reviewed and approved that contract previously. We should vote to. [01:18:00] Modify the contract per the new service. Speaker 9: Cost, is that correct? Yes, that would need to the board approval. Speaker 5: Okay, so we would Speaker 9: know do we have a copy of that? [01:18:17] the numbers aren't Big Steve are they the numbers are I got to Speaker 8: look at the old Speaker 9: contract and Speaker 5: I don't know if I thought to bring Speaker 8: that to the Speaker 9: Forefront. Do you have [01:18:32] a copy handy Karen or do I? Speaker 10: You want to know what the changes Speaker 5: were? Yeah, did you print that out or or Speaker 10: yes, I sent it to everybody [01:18:47] on September 6th. Speaker 9: All right, so all I need to know hold Speaker 8: on. Oh. Speaker 9: September [01:19:02] 6. She Speaker 8: says Speaker 9: you have a handy that you could send it Speaker 5: again. [01:19:22] I can send it. I've got it. Speaker 9: You got it right there. If you email it to me. I'll share it. Hey, there's two emails hear from you telling you waiting to get in the meeting Speaker 3: Rod. Speaker 9: Thanks for our reading them. Speaker 3: [01:20:02] Hey Steve, while you're doing that. I have a question for Karen and Speaker 8: Karen. You sent me the the two architects, correct? Speaker 10: No, that wasn't me. I Speaker 9: said I'm to you Speaker 3: Kevin you did [01:20:17] email. See ya. Okay? do you know when that was Speaker 9: I can look while I'm waiting for rods email the show or Speaker 8: [01:20:32] Open mirrors company said Miss new student programs get in touch with us captioning. [01:21:07] You know what? Let me look Speaker 9: here. Speaker 5: These numbers Speaker 3: don't look bad at all. It's Speaker 5: if that's the only Speaker 3: change that those [01:21:22] are the only changes. Speaker 9: I don't know when I sent it Kevin but I sent it right now Speaker 3: again. Okay, beautiful. Thank you. Speaker 9: Yeah, and then I'll look in the Inbox and see if rods. Yep. Okay, so we [01:21:37] can pull that Speaker 8: up. Speaker 9: We can open in browser we can open with Speaker 8: word. Speaker 9: [01:22:07] You can share screen we can go here we can share. All right, here we go. Everybody see that. Yep. Thank you rod. Okay, so this was the contract Speaker 3: we Speaker 9: [01:22:22] approved. And these are the new fees Speaker 8: rod. Speaker 9: [01:22:37] This is what this is what Karen's sent to everybody back on September 6th, so I don't remember seeing it. I'm sorry, but I don't Speaker 3: remember. Yeah, the ppd's are $22. She's mentioning the flu shots for Speaker 9: 30. Okay? Yes. So [01:22:52] this is this is the new schedule of cost for the services provided. That was the only change insert ride. You are the one that wrote the language for this contract, right? That's correct. All right, so that being said I Speaker 2: I Speaker 9: [01:23:07] would move that. I be authorized to sign on behalf of the district this new content this contract for with Tek Medical Services knowing the changes for the new costs for [01:23:22] services provided. I see the second deck and for discussion. All right any Speaker 5: discussion as Don seen this Speaker 9: Don have you seen Speaker 10: this? You seen it. [01:23:38] I have not seen yet. Speaker 3: Okay, and he's okay with what we're asking them to Speaker 10: absolutely. Speaker 6: Any other questions discussion? [01:23:59] All right that we said Speaker 7: like what's your Speaker 6: pleasure Speaker 8: Bob? Speaker 9: I've always [01:24:14] well the motion carries would Karen would you be so kind as to sign that and leave it there so I can put my John Hancock on that will do. All right now Speaker 5: District policies we had made some progress [01:24:29] in District policies. but I think we ride we didn't have anything pending that we were asking you to give us a a sample policy on did we Speaker 9: [01:24:45] know I had emailed you asking you if you want to need you just to go through some that needed some cleaning up or if there were specific policies the board one reader work on. Speaker 5: All right, so Are there specific policies or do we want Rod Speaker 9: just to start ticking them Speaker 8: off? Speaker 3: [01:25:03] That's device to you and Rod a note on the active member of the documentation that needs to be sent to the district. Meaning to Karen. [01:25:18] Are we going to look at that later? It's is it a different question or the Speaker 5: same? Well, I think is a different question because we previously Modify that but we Speaker 3: probably [01:25:33] a so it's a different question than asking Rod. What what's next right? So the question is Speaker 5: are there any burning policy issues that we think we should review in front of the rest of the policies that may also need [01:25:48] review. What's which what's your pleasure as far as Rod recommending different language on some of the policies? Do you want Raj has to look at the book and see what he thinks is the burning issue. Speaker 3: Yeah. He'll probably think that's the way to go [01:26:03] go with it right now you good with that Rod you can Speaker 9: Yes, that's that's fine. And if the board finds a burning issue, they want me to discuss or review straightaway. Let me know. Alright, Speaker 3: so [01:26:18] if you ride we have some conflicting verbiage again around like the physicals what's still left in the policy manual is verbiage that says the members to go [01:26:33] to their own physician and to report back to the board or something to that effect. And there's a few other items like that. It's conflicting of what we've done recently. So [01:26:48] just keep that in mind when you read Speaker 8: through. Okay. Speaker 5: All right. Now the active member roster carrying you sent one recently. [01:27:03] All right, Speaker 9: I'm going to get but I am not going to show that. Speaker 5: On the screen because I think that would potentially give us some issues that we don't want the public to see [01:27:18] some private information that we Speaker 9: don't want the public to Speaker 8: see Speaker 5: what kind of progress have we made Karen relative to we had a design I know and I know you've worked I know you've worked at this so [01:27:33] I know where you're headed. I desire Speaker 9: to notate Speaker 5: those individuals that were eligible for the cancer insurance. We had 10 Speaker 3: individuals Speaker 5: and we had [01:27:48] a desire to have a notation as to whether the people were participants in the defined benefit loss a poor the defined contribution low sap, right? Okay, Speaker 10: so you didn't mention to him that we need to add at least [01:28:03] one column to the act of Amber roster, but do you want both of those on the active member roster or do you want to differentiate for the low self status on the spreadsheet? Speaker 5: Well, I mean my preference would be to have one master [01:28:18] document where I could look up and know everything but I don't know what what the greater wisdom of the board is Speaker 3: I think that's the way to go. So we don't have to start keep looking for all this stuff and five different places and then not find it or take [01:28:33] way too long to find it. That's what's been happening. All right, so a Speaker 10: green but what we need then is because I am not proficient in Excel. I mean I can you know, I can put stuff in but I can't move stuff around [01:28:48] and I don't think him candy though. You surely know what we need is somebody everybody else is there to Speaker 3: know? Speaker 8: We're still here. I'm still here. Yep. Speaker 9: [01:29:10] I think Steve goes up Speaker 3: Steve video on your state is Frozen. You still with us Steve? [01:29:28] Something happened. Speaker 5: He say something say something. Please say something talk to me. Speaker 3: [01:29:43] something changed Stevie there. He just dropped out. Hey Bob, Speaker 8: Simon. Speaker 10: Bob stepped out for a Speaker 3: second. [01:29:59] We just lost Steve for some reason. He's the one that's controlling the meeting. I don't know how this is Speaker 10: working. Speaker 8: We're still recorded. Speaker 3: [01:30:15] It's really fascinating. This is a Speaker 8: new one. Speaker 4: Gary can I ask you a Speaker 6: question? Speaker 4: I can't [01:30:30] see a thing up here, but I noticed last names and like I said, I can't go right now to see but I need hurry identify like a family that has more than one person. [01:30:52] All Esters and I don't see any first names Raven. There are must not be able to move my things back and forth to find the first names Speaker 6: [01:31:07] are Karen. Speaker 4: Okay. Well, I'm not very good at figuring out how to use computers Speaker 6: work. Speaker 4: [01:31:22] person Speaker 7: individually Speaker 4: We still got no Steve, Speaker 6: huh? Speaker 10: [01:32:00] Rodney have which case you may have to close this meeting. We got Rod talking on the phone. That's it. Speaker 8: Yeah. [01:32:24] He's trying to get Speaker 9: back on. Speaker 1: He lost it and it's Speaker 6: okay. Thank you is the phone Speaker 9: occur? All right. Thanks. Thanks Beth. He's trying to get back [01:32:39] on. Speaker 3: Okay, he may have to like what art said shut it all down and we all might have to get back into it. Because I my guess is that he's going to appear [01:32:54] in his own new meeting. Here's Steve now. Speaker 10: Hey, Steve. Speaker 3: right Speaker 5: [01:33:34] I kept talking. So Karen. I don't know where where you were when I been hit record again. Hold on. Speaker 3: It says Speaker 5: recording. Well, yeah, it is recording. That's right. And no one else. No one else lost Speaker 3: it [01:33:50] with you. So BC review with you the resolution we just made Speaker 5: yeah. Speaker 10: So what I was saying was that we need somebody [01:34:05] we're going to need somebody to work on the active member roster to add those columns because I don't know how to manipulate Excel and I don't think Kim goes either. Speaker 8: All right. Now, Speaker 5: it's quite the spreadsheet [01:34:20] as I recall. Speaker 8: Yeah, Speaker 5: I can I can take a stab at it. I'm I'm great at like the math part of excel but like the presentation part of excel. Usually somebody [01:34:35] else at work does that so it's pink? It's just Speaker 3: adding some rows and columns to the end of a very large spreadsheet and that the spreadsheet can be huge and it is but we can grow it and we can size it at the same time. That's kind [01:34:50] of easy. It's add column and row, are you Speaker 5: volunteering? I can try it and I'll Speaker 3: send it send it out to you and Bob and Karen just to see how it came out. Speaker 9: And [01:35:06] Aaron just sent out a new copy. Did you Speaker 5: send that to Bob as well Karen? Yes. Yeah. Alright, so you should have the latest and greatest. Speaker 3: Okay, I'll do it on that Speaker 5: in your inbox. Okay, you want it and then you want [01:35:21] to add two columns. Is that right Karen? We want to Speaker 9: add or we want to add for low sap status Speaker 10: and cancer Speaker 5: and we've added want to add if he's an interior firefighter Speaker 9: who's Speaker 5: part of The cancer insurance coverage, [01:35:36] right and Speaker 3: and there's another one we have to add the date of departure from the company from the district because we're responsible for any name that individual that is eligible [01:35:51] for cancer insurance for five years after they leave right? Speaker 5: So we need to maintain those people. On the list in an inactive status for as for that Speaker 3: [01:36:06] five years, correct? Speaker 9: All right. Now, is there any Speaker 5: other discussion I has Edelson showed up at the firehouse Speaker 10: yet? [01:36:22] Oh God would be a negative. He's not here yet. All Speaker 5: right, so he's still doing boy scouts. I think we want to make sure that we [01:36:37] are all sitting around the same sheet of music when it comes to the process and Rod. Maybe we need your help a little bit here. Basically [01:36:53] incorrect me anytime that I did I misspeak the company submits. For or to the district a name for consideration and with [01:37:08] that should come an application and the permission for us to do the background checks. Is that correct? Okay, I think you're muted because your lips moved Speaker 8: but Speaker 5: okay, that's a thumbs-up from Rod [01:37:24] at that point. Karen has permission to go ahead and do the background checks when we get approval or we get a background check that that does not affect that member status adversely. Shall we say, Speaker 8: okay. [01:37:42] At Speaker 5: that point, I think when did it how does that 40 days where we have we have a point in time at which we can and should vote to accept that new member into an active member status. [01:37:57] And when is the physical fit in here? I think that's where a little bit of the confusion is ideally what should Speaker 9: happen. Is that the application that you get from the company shouldn't Include the [01:38:12] background check report and the physical and the physical and the physical so that when the name comes to you, you have the application you have the background check report and you have the physical Speaker 5: so we would be authorizing a physical [01:38:27] prior to Speaker 9: acceptance, right? But the danger is if you if you get the application without the physical. And you don't deny it within the 40 days then the person is automatically [01:38:42] in Speaker 3: but not acting because it had a physical has to exist between 412 the last 12 months. Speaker 9: Yes, but he's a firefighter of these Clinton fire district. You may not be an active fire fighter, but he's on the roll so you should have [01:38:57] a complete package when the name comes to Speaker 8: you. Now that's how Speaker 9: that's how it's supposed to work. But practically speaking you don't want to make a potential firefighter wait for two Speaker 8: months Speaker 9: [01:39:13] or maybe even three months before you approve him because he's hot to trot now you want to take them and get them going and so many districts do is they approve the firefighter contingent upon his passing the physical and the Speaker 8: background check. Speaker 5: [01:39:29] When we receive the information or we can when we receive the information at the meeting. Submit the background check and approve him on condition and passing the Speaker 8: physical. [01:39:44] Yes, Speaker 9: and to directly answer your question the 40 days starts at a board meeting when you receive the Speaker 5: application, but it was when it is in public transit are handed from a company representative [01:39:59] to Speaker 9: Karen. That's correct. If Karen gets it the day after the board meets, it's not effective the following board meeting. You okay? Speaker 3: That's interesting. Now that application the name of the application. That's [01:40:14] the company application document and the to New York state background check documents and signed by the chief and anybody else who needs to sign it or am I wrong on that one? Speaker 9: [01:40:29] Know that that would be correct. Whatever. The district requirements are for an application from the company have to be complied with Speaker 8: okay. Speaker 9: All right, if the district isn't like the company application the district until a company [01:40:44] look you need to include this information on the on the application because we want to know this. Speaker 3: All right. Now Don, Speaker 5: are you okay with that process because you you do [01:40:59] have a part in Speaker 10: it. Yeah. I've got a vested interest in that. I have no problem with that. I don't you know, it. It just shows the diligence of the individuals applying get your darn fiscal and you know, it seems [01:41:14] sometimes have to chase him down but I think that's logical and no problem. All Speaker 3: right father has to be signed by all. All the proper people not just gorgeous looking. Okay, of course. Speaker 5: All right. So the process is [01:41:29] just to repeat that we're going to add a board meeting or in a case of a zoom meeting the day before the board meeting. Take take receipt of the application [01:41:44] with the documents that allow us to do a background check. The background check is usually returned within that 30-day time period the clock starts ticking when we receive the application and we will have at that [01:41:59] point in the next board meeting the opportunity to vote to accept or to accept that person contingent on passing a physical. So the physical would not Take place until that Vote [01:42:14] or we had we have the option to reject a person at that point. Speaker 10: Is that it may go to do the background before the physical because the background check is free the physicals Speaker 5: not right? So so [01:42:29] so the procedure is done. We receive the application. We do the background check the next meeting. We vote contingent on passing a physical. So that person would not receive a physical until the district voted. Yes to accept [01:42:44] that member or until that 40 days past. Speaker 10: That's fine. I mean the company is not voting on anything until they have a year. And then they vote whether or not they get to remain in the company. All right. All Speaker 5: right. I'm just we're just trying to clarify Speaker 10: his wife Speaker 3: [01:42:59] here. There's one other layer to it. And it's a question. Not a request. Sometimes the I think it's the lens program the some problems show up on a driver's license because the board have interest [01:43:14] in knowing that before we accept the member. Speaker 5: I don't get any previous history to my knowledge. I only get notification when an event occurs, okay. [01:43:29] So I don't I don't know if that person has 16 speeding tickets. Okay, but that but but Speaker 3: I I would receive Speaker 5: notification as soon as that person is entered on the lens Speaker 3: system. [01:43:45] If any any Speaker 5: event occurs, if you have a commercial driver's license, you get an additional endorsement. I find out if your license expires I found out if it's renewed I find out if you take a driver a defensive driving course, I find out if you have a [01:44:00] an accident with without any tickets being written by find out if you get a ticket, I find out and report it to the board. Okay, if you have an accident with a ticket being written, I find out and report it to the board and executive session. [01:44:15] But any previous history Speaker 3: rod, Speaker 10: do you know of any Speaker 3: interest the Board needs to have about previous Speaker 10: DWI or or Speaker 3: [01:44:30] excessive speeding for new Speaker 9: members? Well, I think the answer is sort of obvious. You do want to know. What kind of driver you're getting and the lunch program is not going to give you a history. You're only going to get that [01:44:45] from from Department of Criminal Justice. Speaker 5: That's not normally Speaker 9: done is it? Normally it is not dumb. Speaker 10: Okay. Speaker 5: [01:45:23] And start driving equipment either. So we're going to accumulate a history over the first year or two relative to that person driving District equipment. It doesn't mean we don't know that he isn't going to do something stupid on the way to a scene. Speaker 10: Right. [01:45:38] Okay, just curious Speaker 3: if it's not normally done and we don't want to reinvent the wheel. Speaker 10: No, it's just Speaker 3: questionable here. Speaker 10: Yeah. Speaker 5: Bharat you don't can't do any kind DMV [01:45:53] check on new members. Speaker 9: Not a history. No, not a Speaker 10: rap sheet. Speaker 5: So you just get load notifications the same on the lens same as same as I do. All right. All right. I'm here. There's any other active member [01:46:08] process timing roster issues? Speaker 9: Yeah, I think if you're going to approve a member pending a physical I think the way you should phrase it is that the member is approved. Speaker 8: Physical Speaker 9: within [01:46:23] the next 21 days Speaker 5: okay a time frame then Speaker 9: time frames and and make it clear that if he doesn't have the physical and 21 days then his application is denied. Speaker 8: That makes sense Speaker 3: brought to this being a policy [01:46:38] change. as opposed to a Speaker 9: resolution we have a dream of policy for application for new members. Speaker 5: I thought I did because I remember talking about this 40 days we do but it [01:46:53] doesn't Speaker 3: Encompass what we develop packet of documents and the process it. Well if we Speaker 8: do have a policy of your application for new members, Speaker 9: and I think you may have just hit on a Hot [01:47:08] Topic that you want you want review. Speaker 5: All right. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. The next month we can do a review on that one run. Yeah. Yes enough. All right any new business? [01:47:24] Oh Bob, did you want to talk about? That's just County Fire District meeting at West Clinton. When do we eat? When do we have to register for that bad Speaker 10: boy. I'm all Ladon talk about it because I only know the finance piece, but Don knows [01:47:39] what boxer bit Speaker 5: about you. Forget. What I forgot one other thing. Okay. I have one I was talking about The Duchess County Fire District. Our fire Commissioners made in do you want to just mention that Speaker 3: yeah, all the Commissioners [01:47:55] can sign up and attended of I assume or in person at the West Clinton fire station. I think I think it's still open for attendance. All right. I don't think I don't think there's a there's a cutoff date. Speaker 5: [01:48:10] Yeah, you did that information out and and one piece of one piece of information than I we need to address. We had to fire her tooth to Interior firefighters who expressed an interest to attend [01:48:25] training fire behavior on the inside. It would be two times two hundred dollars that we approve that Speaker 10: I need a second. That's three. Steve three members three times two Speaker 5: hundred dollars. [01:48:40] I apologize. Where is it raining? Speaker 10: It is a nice Kodak. Actually, this is this one here the Sox Hill Road in Kingston. Speaker 5: So the training needs reported be reported [01:48:55] the State Fire administrator because it's out of Speaker 8: County. Okay, Speaker 3: does the board do that or the chief does do that? Speaker 5: The fire chief does that I mean the [01:49:10] board can do but usually the fire chief is one that notifies the State Fire administrator. Speaker 10: Yeah, I'm not done. Kind of yes, CO2. No. Speaker 5: Okay. I'm done. I'll send you an Speaker 10: email over classes and Ulster [01:49:25] County before and this is Nice act training. I mean it's not Joe blow and is smoke Speaker 5: trailer. [01:49:40] It's not that you have to ask permission Speaker 9: from the SFA. You just have to report you in that you've gone out of County for training. Speaker 5: And you'll send all that information on how to report Speaker 1: that. Yeah. Yeah. I got it. All right. Now they [01:49:55] have not they they have not entered. Yeah, we got our membership number down and all that but they have not been cleared for the class yet. [01:50:10] They could be full so we don't know what this is the back so they can go ahead and find out that what? For them to go and then come back. They know the classical so we don't only Speaker 6: still tree still need to improve it if they have [01:50:25] any hopes of Speaker 1: getting signed up. So I let the boys a quick Speaker 6: war is for three times two hundred dollars to these three interior firefighters to attend fire behavior on the inside I seek a second. I'll second Steve for just a quick discussion. I [01:50:40] had do we want to open it up for more than three up to say five if it done can get them so we don't We don't put an impediment Speaker 1: if it was it was announced at the Speaker 6: meeting [01:50:55] and everyone who were all the interior firefighters at the meeting Speaker 1: done. Although this precedent, press they although about it. There's only going to be great. Speaker 6: Okay? Okay then. Okay, I'm good. All right any other discussion? [01:51:13] Okay. That being said Russ. What's your pleasure? Hi. All right, Kevin. I [01:51:28] know that motion carries. So Bob you're going to produce that Bob Simon. You're going to produce that. All right. [01:51:45] All right, I would like Open it, then to the public. We have mr. Wren back. We have Mr. Warner and we did have mr. Weiland, but I think he may have disappeared any questions or comments Speaker 7: from the public Speaker 4: [01:52:06] Maurice Speaker 1: muted. Speaker 5: [01:52:22] I have no additional comments listening interested but to the meeting. Thank you very much. All right and Elliott any any, you know, can you hear me I can now Speaker 3: okay. Sorry. [01:52:37] I got some information. I don't know if you if the if the board has decided to pursue this or not, but I was able to get some information following our discussion last week about the fellow who does website work for the town. Okay. [01:52:52] I sent you an email Steve this afternoon. With a dollar figure that the town pays him to maintain the town's website. I Speaker 10: don't know if you saw that email or not or Speaker 5: [01:53:07] have not looked at it yet. Speaker 3: Okay. It was a $300 a month is what he gets paid for what he charges the town to work on the town's website. I have to think that it would be Speaker 8: less. Speaker 3: [01:53:22] To do the ECF D website because it's quite a bit smaller and I'm sure there would not be nearly as much work involved. But Speaker 5: anyway, all right, so I put where our budget our budget amount was in the ballpark for sure [01:53:37] then so at least it's yeah Speaker 3: that's less than what I had expected before and so I thought I should pass that along this way this way you have it. I appreciate it. Okay, no problem. Anybody Speaker 10: else have any? [01:53:52] Yes, Steve Kevin here. Yes, sir. Just one comment as a taxpayer. Why are we spending money on an engineering thing? When we already did it? We've already proved what we've [01:54:07] got problems. Why spend money that we've already spent to do the same thing? Speaker 3: [01:54:28] Steve I think you froze up again. It's Speaker 10: [01:54:58] What's wrong with Speaker 5: the public [01:55:13] and the engineering study that we did get four? Did not include any reference to any of the pasture OSHA or any other requirements and we need Speaker 8: to [01:55:28] do Speaker 5: a thorough job of documenting the need to the public. This is an important part of that process. That's that's my reply on that. I don't know if anybody else has any input on that. Speaker 3: Yeah, Kevin. [01:55:43] It's part of getting the the tax. A payers trust and is that that that's really important and this effort right you all right Speaker 5: you and I may intuitively understand [01:55:58] that the firehouse is Speaker 9: inadequate that's not going to cut it when it comes to justifying it to the public. Speaker 10: All right. No problem. I'll agree with you. Speaker 3: Okay? Anybody else? [01:56:14] All right, Nat case I seek a Speaker 10: motion to adjourn. Speaker 5: I think that was Mike. I'll second Mike and I are Compadres in that and Bob. What's your pleasure? Hi, Speaker 6: Kevin. [01:56:29] All right, Russ. Speaker 4: Hi Mike. Speaker 5: I but I as well the motion carries thank you very much people productive meeting we will See you on October Speaker 6: first.