East Clinton Fire Department

Special Notices:



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RFP Preface


The East Clinton Fire District has issued a “Request for Proposal” (RFP) for the purpose of obtaining a professional evaluation of the current district facilities.  The intent is to hire an architectural firm that has in depth familiarity with current standards to provide an informed opinion on the viability of the current facility and to propose a route forward.  All options are being considered, including the upgrade of the current firehouse and the construction of new facility, or some combination of the two options.


Preliminary estimates for this service have run as high as $32,000.  The current board does not have the expertise to develop this type of plan and an objective, professional opinion is essential.  There will be a special meeting in late April to discuss the process.  By that time, we will have the quotes in hand. The district’s accountant and attorney will be present at this meeting.  Both have experience in this type of process and their expertise is paramount to a successful project completion.


A copy of the RFP is posted on this website.  The fire district is seeking to maintain the highest level of transparency and covets public participation as we move forward.